... traditionelle
Musik aus Irland, Britannien und Westeuropa ...
Der Schwerpunkt unseres Repertoires liegt auf Tunes und Songs der
traditionellen irischen Musik. Darüber hinaus bereisen wir auf
musikalischem Wege auch Frankreich, Galizien, Schottland
oder England. Unsere "charakterliche" Bandbreite reicht
vom mitreißenden Stimmungsstück bis hin zum verträumt-
melancholischen Liebeslied. - Die traditionelle Musik hat eben
wirklich viel zu bieten!
Aus unserem Repertoire:
1. |
Soldier`s joy |
2. |
O Neill`s March |
3. |
Bill Hart`s Jig |
4. |
Strayaway Child |
5. |
Le Marchand |
6. |
Give me your hand |
7. |
The Curragh of Kildare |
8. |
Will ye go, lassie go? |
9. |
Sheebeg and Sheemore |
10. |
The Star of County down |
11. |
Song of the chanter |
12. |
Mary shore |
13. |
Lavender`s Blue |
14. |
Suite de Loudéac |
15. |
Polka Set |
16. |
Whiskey in the Jar |
17. |
Patsy Fagan |
18. |
Jig Set |
19. |
Drowsy Maggie |
20. |
Music on the Wind |
21. |
Marie Carulette |
22. |
Double Jig |
23. |
Scarborough Fair |
24. |
I`ll tell me ma |
25. |
Back Home in Derry |
26. |
Hand me down the tackle |
27. |
Perhaps love |
28. |
Dashing White Sergeant |
29. |
The Jolly Beggar |
30. |
Spancil Hill |
31. |
Anne de Bretagne |
32. |
Caledonia |
33. |
Rambleset |
34. |
Mairi`s wedding |
35. |
Mrs Jamieson`s Favourite |
36. |
Dainty Davie |
37. |
Jolly Beggar / The American Set |
38. |
Flitter Dance Set |
39. |
Banks Of Sicily |
40. |
Finnegans Wake |
41. |
Lonesome Boatman |
42. |
The Leaving Of Liverpool |
43. |
Aaron`s Air |
44. |
Flowers of Edinburgh |
45. |
Red is the Rose |
46. |
The Rose of Mooncoin |
47. |
Black Velvet Band |
48. |
Black is the Colour |
49. |
Alexander`s Hornpipe |
50. |
Red-Haired Girl |
51. |
L`Ajassona |
52. |
Branle bacchanale |
53. |
Tourdion |
54. |
Virginia Reel |
55. |
Lament for Terence Mac Donough |
56. |
Èamonn a` Chnoic |
57. |
Danny Boy |
58. |
Molly Malone |
59. |
Ever the winds |
60. |
Ready for the storm |
61. |
Polka Set |
62. |
Rattlin bog |
63. |
Amazing grace |
64. |
Soon may the Wellerman come |
65. |
An Irish blessing |
66. |
Basket of Turf |
67. |
The Bouzouki Reel |
68. |
Dale`s Place / zusammen mit 20: Music On The Wind |
69. |
Roger McAndrew`s 50th Fling |
70. |
Red-Haired Mary |
71. |
You raise me up |
72. |
Mary Mac |
73. |
Maids When you`re young |
74. |
Tovercircle/Jump at the Sun |
75. |
Inisheer |
76. |
I`m a Rover |